Bill Dodge

Tim later advanced to Bill Dodge as a salesman. He was told at one point he would only be a salesman and there was no room for advancement. I remember this conversation we had about how he was going to prove them wrong. Watching the determination in his eyes and hearing the tone of his words, I knew he would. He was hell bent from that conversation on, to make it his life’s mission. He was going to prove not only the person that said that to him, but to every person in his life that said he wouldn’t amount to anything.

I listened intently to the conversation. I “heard” between the lines what this meant. It meant a lot of sacrifices and concessions I would have to make for my husband.

Bill Dodge had a female sales manager named Lori. This girl was beyond beautiful. She was half Spanish and half Italian. It was so hard not to be jealous of this woman. Not only was she drop dead beautiful, she was smart and in my opinion was everything I wasn't. To add to my insecurities Tim also would stay at her house when they had sales. I never ever expressed to him about any of my feelings. I trusted him as my husband to be faithful. That was a given and thankfully, I did not have to worry about infidelity unlike most women within this business, but I still had my insecure moments, but kept it in check. During the time at Bill Dodge our son’s asthma was severe and our daughter was a living nightmare on two feet. Thankfully she was cute! The hours in this business makes for a lonely life as a wife. Long hours, no time off, and if there was time off there was the guilt of not being at work because of the loss of a sale and money. It was a losing battle.

I didn’t put demands on him and accepted it was what it was. That was a huge mistake on my part. If your husband is so focus and driven by his job and has a mission in life to prove people wrong and you don’t speak up. You are an idiot as I have been.

You lose the balance and the 50/50ness of a marriage. It becomes a division. He does the work and provides and I do the rest. This puts my husband on the outside of his life looking in and for Tim that was hard for him. He takes pride in being a good dad and a good husband. It was my job to make sure he maintained his status within the family. Not an easy task, but I did it.

At some point in this position it became clear Tim was stagnating and going nowhere and it was time to make a change. We moved to Watertown, NY and he began a long bitter sweet career at Fuccillio Automall.

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