We were in North Carolina doing a 3 week run. The first week I was walking towards the door to go outside and slipped and fell in a show room filled with people. This big burly guy came to my ungraceful rescue. Soon our guys began calling me Lurch. I had to drag my foot to walk. A few hours later, my husband and I agreed it was time to go to the ER. I got directions and was getting ready to take myself. One of the store guys was confused about why I was going alone and my husband wasn't taking me. He offered several times to drive me and or follow me. I was getting irritated at this. Not because of his offer, but the fact he offered. What many don't understand about being a car wife. Your pretty much on your own. If your mate works in a dealership. That dealership owns your husband. It's something I had to accept and get used to. I can't say I liked it, but I learned to pick my battles. I am not sure if I learned acceptance while in rehab or just on my own. Either way in this life of the car business I wish other woman would get this memo because woman can't have it both ways. The husband can't win. He works to much and doesn't do enough at home. I have heard it all. I often have felt like I am an alien from another planet because I keep quite a bit to myself and don't feel the need to bitch and complain. Yes, it annoys me that I didn't have a husband home at a normal time of night. Or that he often would stop off to have a few/a lot of drinks before coming home. In fact, I can honestly say, I didn't matter in some ways when it came to his career. So, taking myself to the ER/ Doctors was something I did without asking my husband to go with me. This time I really wished I had been a little less stubborn and asked my husband to take me. Driving was fine because it is my left foot. Parking no big deal, but walking into the ER was a whole other story. Turns out in the midst of ever so not graceful fall. I broke my metatarsal. All the while I am at the hospital my husband is trying to call my phone. No signal. Once I get out to the car my phone explodes with his messages. The first few were pretty calm and as the time went on he hadn't heard from me he got more and more agitated. If someone who doesn't know us/him saw my messages they would have thought he was a complete douche, but believe it or not. This would be his being worried/scared. I know this feeling because I have had it many times with him when he stopped off after work and didn't call or said he was on his way and two hours later not home yet. Driving up to the motel I saw relief on his face once he saw mine. I just laughed to myself. My thought was, "had you come with me, you'd already know", but in all honesty, I don't like him there with me. He is way better at home taking care of me then going with me. Once I got back he helped me get settled and in the morning off to work he went. He called so much checking on me. I finally had to text him I was going to sleep and call when I was awake. He then set up meals on wheels for me. One of the sales guys would make sure I had what I needed. That is the other thing I learned. He has perfected the art of delegation. This is his way of taking care of me third person.
The Second week we go to another part of North Carolina. A few days into the second week we get bit by spiders. This time my husband got it more than me. The pictures I posted is just a few for a visual. His whole body was covered. I let the front desk know and they were so nice to switch rooms for us. The only problem is that I had to do it broken foot and all. Everyone had to go to work. Keep in mind the cleaning girl was right there and was so nice to offer her assistance. After, I was done! Later in the day I was checked on, food brought to me and my pillows were fluffed.
The moral of this is look for the little things in life to count your blessings instead of finding things to complain about. Things could be worse.